I've known what I wanted Jus to wear for the wedding since Oscar night. While watching the pre-show I caught a glimpse of Tom Ford and fell in love with the simple, classic look of his tux

I love the large bow tie, the nice shirt without a vest, and the slim fitting black suit. I knew immediately that this would be what my groom would be wearing. All we needed to do was find a store that carried nice quality tuxes.
Unfortunately dressing Jus wasn't this easy, he had his hopes set on wearing tails. At first I was a little surprised, I thought tails were maybe a little too fancy and a little too outdated.
But I kept thinking and realized that if my dress was so fancy why couldn't Jus be all fancy too?
Plus his face lights up when he talked about wearing tails, and if he cares about his outfit this much why shouldn't he wear tails.
We have an appointment for him to try on tails tomorrow so I'll be sure to show you some pictures later this week.
Does your groom have a strong opinion about what he's wearing? Did it surprise you at all?
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